I don’t get it.  Spring break?  I don’t think so.  Those two words (put together) are not in the SAHM’s vocabulary.  At least not this SAHM.  No freaking way.  Nope.  Not in the slightest.

My week?  It’s already looking like a little slice of hell served on a dish.  Make that a platter, served by the devil himself.  I’m already dreading it.  This weekend won’t be so bad.  Tonight, my children are doing sleepovers.  I have my niece over spending the night with Big Girl, and they’ll be okay.  But Baby Girl is running a fever of 101.8 last time I checked (pre-Motrin), now she’s down (during Motring), but currently very moody (is it too early for PMS at 19 months old?).  The constant crying if I’m not holding her just adds a little background noise if I get bored, right?

Now, my son…he’s a whole different story himself.  Fresh off the bus, I notice he has on a different pair of pants than I sent him to school in.  And these sweatpants that do not belong to him are extremely over-sized, unbearably ugly and about to fall off his skinny little size tiny body.  Boy is in first grade, is six, and is turning seven this July.  My first thought is, “oh holy hell, he peed his pants at school.  Or worse, he took a dump in them.  WTF.”  So I say, “what happened to your pants, buddy?”  He said, “I just spilled something on my pants at school, that’s all.”  Whew.  What a relief.  At least I don’t have that kid.  You know.  That one.

Then I ask him if he wants to spend the night with his cousin for his birthday.  Let me remind you, Boy has major social anxiety.  He does not bode well in social settings, and his cousin does not attend the same elementary school he does.  So Boy will not know these children his cousin has coming over.  His cousin’s friends are not Boy’s friends.  This will cause a major disruption in Boy’s brain, and cause all kinds of electric currents to go off in his brain and things will be going haywire in there.  Good luck to my brother and his wife. When you flip out because you can’t find Boy because he’s done his normal flipping out and running and hiding, because he can’t handle the pressure of the social scene, odds are, he will be hiding under a bed, in a closet, or behind a piece of furniture.  Good luck to you.  Oh, and tell your sanity good riddance as well.  At least I sent him with his iPod, so he can FaceTime me when he needs to chat.  So, I expect no sleep tonight, because I will be on the phone with him nonstop.  He won’t want to leave, but he won’t want to get off FaceTime with me either.  I’m already smiling from the excitement.  Woo-hoo!  (Enter sarcasm here.)

Oh, here comes Big Girl asking if her friend can spend the night as well.  Yay me!

And did I forget to mention, I’m now the soccer coach for Big Girl’s soccer team?  Yep, yours truly is coaching her U8 soccer team.  And I don’t know one f’ing thing about soccer.  I know your supposed to stay on the field (and I now know it’s called a field, after I called it a court the other day and got told that it definitely was NOT a court – it was a field!) and I know you are supposed to try to kick it into the goal, and not use your hands.  That is the extent of my knowledge of soccer.  Beyond that, I know nothing.  So, good luck to me!  And with my luck, I’m not even starting at a young age, I’m starting where the parents are going to want a competitive coach and the kids probably know a lot, and have been playing for a couple years.  Where we are from, soccer is pretty big (at least in this county).  So I figure I’m going to spend most of my season being yelled at by my parents.  I haven’t gotten a chance to hold practice yet, because we were rained out this past week.  And next week (spring break) I will be out of town on our regularly scheduled practice night, and so will my assistant coach (my sister), so we are moving the practice to Tuesday nights, and the forecast is calling for rain.  Our first game is the following Saturday.  All with no practice it’s looking like.  WINNERS!

Back to spring break.  Here’s how mine is shaping up to be:


9am-12pm: Big Girl – soccer camp

6pm-7pm: Boy – boy scouts


9am-12pm: Big Girl – soccer camp

5:30pm-7pm: soccer practice (if it doesn’t rain)


9am-12pm: Big Girl – soccer camp

1pm-3pm: Big Girl’s friend’s birthday party

7pm – Maroon 5 concert in DC (and I have floor seats baby!! Best part of the week!  I get to see the man of my dreams Adam Levine!)

Big Girl has a sleepover


8am-8:30am – pick Big Girl up from sleepover

9am-12pm: Big Girl – soccer camp


9am-12pm: Big Girl – soccer camp

1pm – Take Big Girl and Baby Girl to my mom

3pm – Boy has psychiatric appointment at UVA (for his social anxiety – he has check-ups every two months)

Big Girl has another sleepover


2pm – Boy has counseling

sometime (haven’t gotten the schedule yet) our first soccer game


Easter – Family gathering – may require either Xanax or drinking.  Probably heavy drinking after the week I’ve had.  Or just a Xanax.  Who knows?  I guess time will tell.

my crazy calendar the week of spring break (and the rest of the month actually!)

my crazy calendar the week of spring break (and the rest of the month actually!)

Anyway, that is how my so-called “Spring Break” is looking – as of today.  I feel like everyday it’s changing, every day something new is happening and my calendar is growing and growing.  I was supposed to be heading to the beach for a relaxing vacation.  Doesn’t look so relaxing, now does it?  But then again, motherhood isn’t relaxing when you have three children ages 7 and under.

Monkey Poo Flinging Day

Holy freakin’  moly.  It’s a “I need want to pop a Xanax and wash it down with a triple shot of Patron margarita” day.  Ha.  If only.  Right?  If only death wasn’t the result.

What the hell is going on today?  Everyone is driving me insane!  Everyone.  Literally.

The baby won’t stop crying.  She’s sitting in my lap as I’m typing, because if I put her down, the flood gates open.  She’s only happy in my lap.  Other than that, all hell breaks loose.

Boy got off the bus being in a mood.  This has been a great, fun afternoon with him.  Let me tell you what.  He decided in order for his homework to be done, he needed to sharpen his pencil in our automatic pencil sharpener.  So he sticks the pencil in, lets it twirl around and around, and he dances all around the office while this is happening.  Meanwhile, the pencil is not being sharpened, just twirling around and around, and is making that horrific grinding sound.  You know, the one you can just feel down to your bone?  Yeah, that one.  It goes on and on for about ten minutes straight.  I finally decide to walk in there and see what is going on and try to navigate him out of there and back towards his homework.  Only, I get to the office a second too late.  Baby Girl got there first.  And of course, Boy didn’t like that.  He slammed her hand in the office door.  Nice big brother, right?  Just what I was thinking.  So that set off the wailing sirens again.  Fun times, I’ll tell ya!

After I finally get him settled back into his seat and start to work on homework, he then pulls out his portraits from his backpack from their spring pictures they had taken at school and received today to bring home.  Big Girl tries to look at his, and he looses all control.  He looks like a gorilla with big swinging arms trying to collect them all before she can sneak a peek at the face she sees everyday.  Big ol’ Donkey Kong making grunting noises, trying to prevent his sister from seeing a picture of his mug, which turns into another fight.  I   They start batting and swinging a little, hit and miss, pencils in hand.  I may as well just have monkeys running around flinging poo at each other.  I feel like that’s what is happening anyway.  At least I may have a shot at someone listening.  The monkeys may actually listen better to me than my own children.  There’s a pretty good chance of that, actually.

After the homework battle is finally complete, we move on to the battle of the Baby Girl.  She is just walking around and around crying and crying.  Why you ask?  Why am I not holding her?  Comforting her?  Seeing what is wrong?  Oh believe me, I have.  I’ve done it all.  She’s fed.  She’s been changed.  She’s healthy.  She’s not teething.  She’s 110% happy – as long as she’s in my arms.  She is so spoiled rotten.  She will be crying so hard you’d think she needs to go to the emergency room because she looks like she has a broken bone, and then Mommy picks her up, and she’s giggling so hard and she’s so happy!  What an actress she is.  She has such a brilliant personality at a year-and-a-half old already.  I can’t stand the fact that I have to face this for the next sixteen years or so.  I have a feeling she’ll outwit me a time or two.  This one seems pretty good…I may have met my match…

And that, my friends, is quite the scary thought.

Thankfully, I have a great hubby coming to the rescue.  He’s bringing home dinner.  Yep, we’re cheating tonight.  Cheating together!  With food.  He’s bringing home takeout from one of our favorite places to eat.  Good old Glory Days.

Yum. Sauce.

Yep, this happens around here.

Just as I think my life can’t get anymore circus-like. I walk into the kitchen, and find this on my floor:


And yes, that is what you think it is. Men, you are probably turning your heads sideways and squinting and wondering what in the hell that is. Women, you know. It is a tampon. And don’t freak. It is still sanitary. Unused. Just unwrapped. By my lovely one-and-a-half year old who is a tricky little monster. She is a little magician, daredevil, and monkey all rolled into one. She gets into things (i.e.: tampons!) if you are not watching her EVERY second of EVERY day!) Need a bathroom break? Forget it! Don’t even think about it. Plan it around her nap time.

She doesn’t feel a tremendous amount of pain; or if she does, she doesn’t care about it too much. Let me tell you, she keeps me on my toes!

She’s a climber of the outside of our banister staircase, our couch, the dining room chairs, the ottoman (from which she then jumps onto the couch), the dog, her potty seat, etc. Basically anything low enough for her to climb on top of, and then she either jumps off of, or gets stuck on and then cries until I help get her down.

The best part: everyday is a new adventure! (Gotta look on the bright side, folks!) What the hell am I saying?! Every f’ing thirty seconds is a new escapade with this child. She’s the last kid. My other two never kept me on my toes as much as she does. She is definitely the hardest kid I’ve had to deal with. I’m so glad Hubby got the snip last month. Woo-hoo!


But how can you resist this face?! I can’t help but to love her and all of her devilish, monstrous, devious, crazy ways. I mean, she is her mother’s child…correct?

It’s been a VERY long time!

Wow it’s been a seriously long time!  I just looked at my last post.  June 2012.  That was 9-10 months ago.  I am terrible.  Wow.  What a loser I am!

Things have definitely changed a lot since then!  Wow have they changed!  Life has gotten a lot – if you can believe this – CRAZIER!

I know that is the last word you were probably expecting.  Me, using the word crazy – really?!  Ha, it’s only my personal motto.  If we were like cartoons and had clouds floating above our heads with one word in it describing our personalities, mine cloud would definitely SHOUT “CRAZY!!!!!”

But that’s the fun part.  You never know what crazy you’re going to get!  Ha!  My poor hubby.  But he loves me so.  And thank God for him.  He truly is a blessing.  He’s a Godsend.  What a life that man has given us.  I thank God for him.  He’s an angel.  Love that man more than life.

Back to the story, things have changed so much.  We moved into a bigger house.


The new house!

Also, we got a much longer custody with the big kids than we had before.


The big kiddos in the snow 🙂

All of these things have happened to be way better life improvements!  Definitely amazing ones to say the least.  Also in there, we started a new school year, had Thanksgiving, Christmas during which time we were moving.  Yep, we tackled moving over the busiest time of the year.  That was fun.  But it was also a blessing to be in the new house and host, yes host, Thanksgiving in our new house for the first time ever, and have Christmas in the new house.  It was glorious.


Christmas in the new house.

It finally feels like this crazy life is starting to fall into place.  I mean, things are still crazy as hell all around, but I wouldn’t have it any other way, no would I?!  Crazy is my middle name, isn’t it?

As crazy as it is, I’d love to start posting more.  I will be on the computer more now, as I will be starting to go back to school to finish up my degree.  I have an AA in Liberal Arts, but I’m going back for a bachelor’s degree, finally!  That’s right, crazy is growing up!  Well, crazy is a grown up, but crazy is going to finally act like it!  (Well…maybe.)

Kindle Craziness!

WOW it’s been awhile since I’ve posted anything.  It’s just been crazy.  The end of the school year, broken bones, all kinds of trips with the kids, new animals added to the household (a beautiful new Calico cat named Daisy).  It’s just been a wild and crazy time.  3 kids and me leaves me no time at all to do much of anything for myself.

The newest craze in my house with my kids is their kindles.  Thank goodness.  I love to be able to say that my kids new craze isn’t a video game.  Or anything wacky or stupid that’ll get them hurt.  I already have a kid with a broken bone.  Boy broke his finger and boy was that the biggest ordeal of the year so far.  That was the craziest week of my life for a long time.

The whole craze started when I started reading books on my iBooks on my iPad, and Best Friend was reading books on her hubby’s (who also happen’s to be my brother!) kindle touch.  We were talking about the differences between the two over the phone in conversations, then through text as well all the time.  She bragged about the kindle touch a lot, and to me it sounded unbelievable, but as I told her and Hubby, I just couldn’t imagine spending the money on an e-reader when I had iBooks on my iPad.  But then…

We came face-to-face when the kindle touch and the iBooks on the iPad.  And I was sold.  I bought my kindle touch that day.  Literally as soon as I got home I ordered it.  And of course, Brother, who always has the best things (I so hope he read that, because if he did, he rolled his eyes and said “whatever”), had the best case in the world for his kindle touch too.  It comes with a light at the top that you can pull out, and it runs off the battery of the kindle.  (The battery also lasts for months apparently if you keep the wi-fi turned off.)  So I also ordered the same case.  Duh, why wouldn’t I?!

And once again, I’m addicted.  This time, to my Kindle Touch.

Then the mistake came.  My kids saw it.  Big Girl, who is the biggest reader I’ve ever met of a child, wanted one.  And me being the mother I am, of course wanted to buy her one immediately.  And Hubby said, “go ahead, if there’s a kid that deserves one, it’s her.”  She came home from school this year, finishing first grade, with a perfect report card for not only the last semester, but the entire year, and her reading teacher wrote that she was reading consistently at a 3rd grade level at this time.  When we are at home, she walks around reading.  She takes books in the car.  She reads her self to sleep at night.  She takes books everywhere.  She definitely does deserve one.  And I’m so proud of her!  So I told her all of that.  We told her how proud of her we were, and that we ordered her one.  The joy that overcame her face was enough to know right then and there that the decision was right.  She was so happy.

Then came the problem.  How do we tell boy that he wasn’t getting one and she was?

So hers came yesterday.  She opened it.  He got mad.  Of course.

I sat him down and talked to him, and started explaining to him why we got Big Girl one and not him.  I said, “We got Big Girl one because she came home with a perfect report card and her teacher said she was reading at third grade level, and we are very proud of her.”

His response: “Well, I had a perfect report card all year too, Mom.  And I learned to read this year.”

Man down.  And that man was me.

How the f do you come back from that?  So instead of discouraging his reading efforts, I decided to order him one, against my better judgement. But after all, he is right.  If that’s the standard I was going on, my 5-year-old son was smart enough to point it out, and I wasn’t smart enough to see it myself.  How could I not know he wouldn’t understand and get mad?

So, I got on Amazon and ordered Boy one.  But I had a huge talk with him.  I told him if he didn’t use it, and I didn’t see him trying to learn how to read better and making a big effort to read, I would sell it to someone else that loves to read.  I told him he didn’t need one just because me and Big Girl have one.  But I also want to encourage both my kids to read, the love it, and anything I can do to help, I will.  And if this is something that will help him, I’m all for it.  If not, I’m sure the thing will sell for a decent amount and I won’t lose too much money (staying positive!).

So that’s what’s going on at our house nowadays…

We leave for the beach in less than 2 weeks, we will be going to Water Country tomorrow (I hope).  And in the mean time, there will always be the Kindle Touch…




The leprechaun got us.  Last night.  While we slept.  Apparently he (or she – or they – who knows) wanted to play some tricks on us.

I was feeling like more of a Happy Momma last night than a Crazy Momma, so I made the kids some aahhhhhhmmmmmazzzing (in case you couldn’t read that through my obvious drool on the screen – it was ‘amazing’) red velvet cupcakes last night for dessert.  Holy freakin’ moly.  Yum sauce.  Y-U-M S-A-U-C-E.  Holy buttsauce were those freaking fantastic.  Oh how lovely it is to be a fat kid now.

(side note:  I so want to lose my baby weight, but I also so love to eat what I eat.)

Back to the story…

The green short fella.  He decided he was going to push a chair over to the counter to help himself up there.  Then he iced my cupcakes, which I didn’t do, he put shamrocks and sprinkles on them, then he even ate one!  Can you imagine?!  Oh, and he did the worst thing EVER!!!!!

HE.  MADE.  A….


That’s right.  He made a mess.  He spilled the sprinkles on the counter.  This did not sit well with my children.  Especially Boy with his OCD.  He said, “he was BAD Mommy, BAD!  He made a mess!  He was so BAD!”

Then after I made them breakfast this morning and I went to pour them lemonade, I opened up the fridge and guess what we found?!?

That damn little green devil.  He turned our lemonade green.  What a bastard.

Then, this is what happens to my children after we find out he visits our house:

And that’s why he visits.  This made their day.  Their week.  Hell, this made their next couple weeks, maybe even month or two.  They’ll be talking about this forever.  Until the next cool and fun thing comes along.  They’ve talked about it all day, a million times.  They’ve been so extraordinarily excited about it all day, telling everyone!  They’ve been the happiest kids!

So that’s why he visited our house.  To make two beautiful children happy!

Then we had this little beauty enjoying the beautiful weather all day today!  We played outside all day.  My son learned to ride his bike without training wheels – now both children officially ride without them – scary!!!  Ahhh….We had such an amazing day outside enjoying the beautiful weather.  It was perfect.  Not too hot, not cold at all…it was all just right.  A perfect day.  Blessed with perfect weather with my beautiful children.

How lucky am I?!?!?



It’s new coupon day!

Well, I think I’m sick.

Just in time for the big kids to be here all week all the time.  (I share custody with my ex, week-on/week-off.  On his weeks, theyr’e only here from when they get off the bus until about 6pm or so. Luckily, I got the good end of the deal.  I still see them everyday but 4 days a month.  That’s pretty damn good if you ask me.)

Anyway…it’s my week with them full time.  And I started getting sick last night.  All of a sudden, my nose became a faucet.  Out of nowhere. I didn’t feel sick until it hit me.  And then I felt miserable, immediately.  Then this morning, I woke up and my nose wasn’t running, but my throat was hurting bad.  Then as I started doing the laundry and reaching into the washer and dryer, my nose started pouring out snot.  Now, I’m back to my nose being completely stopped up and having a sore throat.

I think I’m sick from not sleeping at all for awhile.  Baby Girl is teething so bad.  And that means no sleep for her.  Or for me.  It’s been a miserable couple nights.  And then it turns into a miserable couple days…

I’m sick and exhausted.  Not my favorite pairing of two things.

On a lighter, better note, it’s Sunday.  That means it’s new coupon day.  Woo hoo!

On another bad note, my hubby’s stupid work has started opening on Sundays now.  It was the only day of the week they were actually closed.  Now, it’s open.  And as the general manager, Hubby has to be there 😦  I miss him.  A lot.  Sunday, which was my favorite day of the week, has actually turned into a day I hate.

Although sick and tired, and sad about missing Hubby, at least I get to see my three beautiful babies.  And my new coupons.  And my handsome Hubby when he gets home.  I’m looking forward to tonight.  Everyone pray the baby sleeps, so I can too.

A three ring f’ing circus.

Don’t get me wrong – I am not all negative all the time.  I LOVE my life.  I have an amazing life, and I laugh everyday until I cry.  I have it great.  I have the best kids and husband ever.  My dog is okay, but he can be a bastard face a lot of the times.

I just post a lot of negative things on here because this is my outlet.  This is where I vent.  I can’t vent to my kids – obviously – because I’m usually complaining about something they did!  And I’m definitely not going to be that mom that complains to her kids, yells at them, and makes them feel like little pieces of shit, because they definitely don’t deserve that.  They’re amazing.  And they’re actually incredibly well behaved and awesome kids.  I’m so proud of the way they’re turning out.

I just write a lot of negative crap because I can.  I can complain on here.  I can voice my opinion, my thoughts and fears, and announce my irritations to the world.  To anyone besides my kids.  That’s basically what it comes down to.

Now that I’ve said all that…

I’m taking the kids to the movies today to see The Lorax.  I can’t wait.  Know why?  Because they’re so excited they’re driving me f’ing crazy. They’re bouncing off the walls, couches, and everything else they’re not supposed to be doing, because they’re so excited they can’t stand themselves.  Little bastards.  (Just kidding!)  But seriously, everytime I tell them we’re doing something and they get crazy excited, they start becoming maniacs.  I just had to yell at my daughter, who is incredibly well behaved in almost the perfect way, because she was jumping from the coffee table to the couch, and vice versa.  What the f—?  I definitely didn’t raise them to be doing that.  At this time – that’s when I’m grateful for my crazy pills.  Whoever invented them is a freaking genius.  And my new lover.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again.  Sometimes it’s like a three ring f’ing circus around here.  With three kids, who are six, five and six months, and a one-year-old stubborn ass English bulldog, it gets insane.  Like crazy insane.  When one is sick, tired, hyper, in a bad mood…anything ranging from good to bad, everything around here changes dramatically.  Because when one isn’t happy, they piss the other one off on purpose constantly (the big kids).  And when the baby isn’t happy and she’s screaming and crying – no one is happy.  And when the dog gets a wild hair up his ass and becomes that instant asshole that he does randomly – no one is happy – again.

And when the hubster is home and all this craziness is happening, the poor guy goes crazy.  He can’t handle it.  He always says, “and that’s why I go to work.”  And I roll my eyes (in jealously) and wish I had a job at those times.  He’s so lucky he gets away sometimes.  Even though it’s to work.  Poor guy.  Once again – here is my daily chance – Thank you God for putting him in my life and all he does for us.  He busts his ass to support us.  And he doesn’t get thanked enough.  I tell him as much as I can.  But even thanking him everyday doesn’t do him justice I don’t think.  He’s just that amazing.  Jealous?  You should be.

And guess what my freakin’ son just did.  Hopped over the back of the couch onto the floor.  What the f.  No way.  It’s time to go.  Or time to knock them out.  Is that allowed?  Can I just knock them out until it’s movie time?  Now he’s running from one side of the couch to the other.  Time to go…


Right after I posted this, my daughter came to me and told me she wanted an MP3 player.  She has an iPod touch.  And she’s 6.  I know, spoiled rotten.  I just got so upset.  Thankfully, my medicine helps me hold back what I actually want to say (you little beotch, you have the best iPod touch there is and you’re 6, don’t be an ungrateful bastard.”  Instead, I say, “You have an MP3 player.  You have the best one they make.  It’s your iPod touch.  They don’t get any better.  Now if you’d like me to get rid of it, I’ll gladly sell it and get money for it and buy you a cheap one.  Is it not good enough for you?  Would you like a little MP3 player you can’t play games on and download games onto?”  And she said, “But I still want an MP3 player.”

Holy hell.

Holy banana sauce!

Got my hair did today.

Just kidding.  I seriously don’t talk like that.  But I really did go get my hair done today.  And I’m in love with the color.  I get my hair highlighted blonde.  It had been since October since I had it done.  And my hair grows super fast.  So the brown was half way down my head.  And my hair was so long, it was about half way down my back.  A little lower than my bra strap.

Now it’s blonde (from the roots! – holy crap!) and it’s way short.  It’s just below my shoulders.  So now it looks so much healthier!  I blow dry and straighten it just about everyday, because I have absolutely disgusting natural hair.  I like nothing about it.  The color, texture, and kinky nastiness of it drives me nuts.  It’s really wavy, but not curly; but frizzy and not nice waves.  If I let it air dry, it’s bigger than a house and if I blow dry it without straightening it, it’s bigger than an afro.  I have gross disgusting hair.  But when I blow dry and straighten it, I can seriously mask the disgustingness of my head.  And make it look pretty.  Oh the wonders of hair technology!

My day started off not so good though.  I had two tired ass older kids.  Then I showered while the baby napped this morning.  When she woke up, I gave her a bath and got her dressed.  As soon as I was done and we started walking out of the room, she puked all over herself and her clothes.  And my arm.  And the floor.  And her diaper bag I had just freaking packed.  It was absolutely awful and disgusting.  And smelled horrible.  (GAG!)

Unfortunately, I was in a hurry and didn’t have time to throw her back in the tub.  I had a hair appointment!  Thankfully it only got on her clothes and I was able to just change her and it got all the puke off her.  Then I got all the kids in the car and headed off to my mom’s house, dropped them off, and ….

… (                         ) …

Know what that is?!  Peace and quiet.

There was no noise.  No yelling.  No fighting.  No whining.  No “Mommy!”  No anything…

Peace and quiet.

Peace and quiet.

Holy banana sauce.

Peace and quiet.

(Until my hair appointment was done anyway.)


Responsibility sucks a big fat one.

I am supposed to be doing my school work right now.  I seriously just don’t feel like it.

I don’t feel like reading, I don’t feel like writing (about stupid business) and I definitely don’t feel like watching the videos and taking tests on everything for the week.  It’s all stupid.  And I just don’t feel like it.

I feel like taking my medicine and crawling into bed actually.  I’ve had the worst headache and backache today.  But I can’t just yet.  Not when kids are relying on you…I can’t just pop on into bed whenever I feel like it, which sucks, because I seriously could crawl into bed for about the next week or so!  Damn that would be nice!

Instead of climbing into bed, or doing my school work, I’m drinking a wonderful alcoholic beverage, watching idol from Tuesday, and blogging.  All of this while the baby sleeps and I can actually get something done without holding her.  Or hearing her cry.  Or having to feed her.  Or just without having to do anything for anyone else right now.

Oh the joys of drinking.  I love it.  It would be nice to be irresponsible and become an alcoholic.  Well, not an actual alcoholic, but just to have the carefreeness of them, just for a day.  Just being able to drink all day and night without a care in the world.  Wow that would feel nice right now.  Responsibility sucks a big fat one.  I don’t like it.  I wish I could just take the time to let loose and relax for just one day.  One night even.  But there is always someone there needing something that makes me not able to do it.  Not that I’d change my life for any reason whatsoever – my three babies are absolutely beautiful and I love them so much!  It’s just that one carefree night would feel great!

I can dream, can’t I?